Jay Dickson
I am a planetary scientist who has studied the evolution and fate of ice on Mars and Antarctica for more than a decade. I utilize novel techniques of planetary image processing/analysis, develop GIS-based planetary data integration and visualization tools, and conduct annual field work in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. |
Professional Experience |
2016 - Present | California Institute of Technology: Research Scientist in Image Processing |
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2016 - Present | Brown University: Visiting Researcher |
mxvpm加速中心网站 | Brown University: Science Data Analyst/Lab Manager |
Field Work: 8 austral summers in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (21 cumulative months) |
Research: | Evolution and fate of ice on Amazonian Mars. |
Time-lapse photography and climate monitoring in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. |
Development of active stereo visualization methods for planetary imaging data sets. |
Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques for planetary spatial analysis, including quantitative integration of Global Climate Models (GCMs) and geospatial datasets. |
2004 - 2005 | mxvpm官网 Digital Resources Specialist |
Education |
mxvpm加速中心官网 | 腾讯首页 - QQ:2021-10-21 · 腾讯网从2021年创立至今,已经成为集新闻信息,区域垂直生活服务、社会化媒体资讯和产品为一体的互联网媒体平台。腾讯网下设新闻、科技、财经、娱乐、体育、汽车、时尚等多个频道,充分满足用户对不同类型资讯的需求。同时专注不同领域内容,打造精品栏目,并顺应技术发展趋势,推出 ... University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA |
mxvpm加速中心网站 GIS-Based Quantitative Integration of Global Climate Model Simulations and Geodatabases of Gullies on Mars | |
mxvpm官网 | B.A., Hampshire College, Amherst, MA |